NetRippers Football Club – Portland


Who We Are

NetRippers F.C. is a growing, local grass roots organization striving to create Portland’s first LGBTQ soccer league. Through a partnership with our community, our goal is to promote the game of soccer for an under-represented group in the Portland metro area. Founded in February 2006, NetRippers F.C. promotes a thrilling international sport lacking from our community.


The mission of our organization is to attract players of all skill levels, encourage team building, expand our sense of community, and promote health and wellness through exciting recreational and competitive soccer.

NRFC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization.

Code of Conduct

NRFC believes that all participants have a right to a safe and healthy environment to participate in all levels of soccer. This document outlines our club’s expectations for all those who participate in our community, as well as the consequences for actions that do not abide with the Code of Conduct, as defined in the document linked below.

NetRippers FC Code of Conduct (Last update: March 31, 2023)


2025 Board Members

  • Chair: Manuela Ban

  • Vice Chair: Chris Buck

  • Executive Director: Mitchell Sherman

  • Treasurer: Howie Howard

  • Secretary: Bailey Thompson

  • Manager Liaison: Loren Bornstein

  • Membership Director: Michael Sohi

  • Community Engagement Director: Miranda Marris

  • Events Director: Carly Percell

    If you would like to see the minutes from any Board Meeting, please contact the Secretary at